Should You Even Work With This Client? Check These 4 Criteria!

lead generation Feb 17, 2020

This week I was having a quick chat with a good friend of mine. She's working for a startup, where she's learning loads and is having a really good time. She's not being paid the world though, but because it's fun and she's learning a lot, she's ok with that.


When looking at job opportunities these three things play an important part:

1. I need to be able to learn new things
2. I need to be able to have a good time
3. I need to get paid well

Ideally all three would be found in one job, but if at least two of the three are present, it can still be a really good opportunity.

It made me think about client work and how it's really the same: learning new things and having fun? Awesome! Getting paid well and having a good time? Yes please! 


Of course it's a privilege to be able to choose clients based on these criteria. You'd need to have enough clients to be able to say 'no' to the ones that don't match. 

Luckily I am in the position to be able to say no to clients who aren't a good fit for me. And it frees up time to do more work with the clients who indeed are a good fit. When I look at my current client base, my favorite clients score highly on all three criteria: I loooove working with them, I learn a lot, and it's paying well (or at least enough!). 


4. Another criteria that I find important is that of values

Do your values match up with the ones of your clients? For example, I'm a very open-minded person, I'm a feminist, and I care a lot about peace and justice issues. 

I love working with people who share these same values! 

Do you want to be able to choose your clients as well?

In March my online course BOOKED SOLID will launch. It's only $37 and it will take you step-by-step through the different strategies I use to finding ideal clients on LinkedIn. CLICK HERE to get on the waitlist!


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