Should You Even Work With This Client? Check These 4 Criteria!

lead generation Feb 17, 2020

This week I was having a quick chat with a good friend of mine. She's working for a startup, where she's learning loads and is having a really good time. She's not being paid the world though, but because it's fun and she's learning a lot, she's ok with that.


When looking at job opportunities these three things play an important part:

1. I need to be able to learn new things
2. I need to be able to have a good time
3. I need to get paid well

Ideally all three would be found in one job, but if at least two of the three are present, it can still be a really good opportunity.

It made me think about client work and how it's really the same: learning new things and having fun? Awesome! Getting paid well and having a good time? Yes please! 


Of course it's a privilege to be able to choose clients based on these criteria. You'd need to have enough clients to be able to say 'no' to the ones that don't match. 

Luckily I am in the position to be able to say no to...

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