5 Big Time-Savers for Service Based Businesses

tools Feb 14, 2020

If you're anything like me, you love running your business, but there's certain aspects that you'll love a lot less. Taxes anyone? ;-) 

In this blog post I'm sharing 5 tools that I help me speed up the things in my business that I don't enjoy as much, so I have more time for the things I actually love and that make me money. 

1. Time-tracking

For keeping track of my time I use an app called Toggl.  I setup Clients > Projects > Tasks to keep track of the work I do for clients. This is particularly helpful if you're charging by the hour. It also produces nice reports if your clients would ever want to see what you've been working on exactly. Toggl offers a basic plan that's always free.

2. Bookkeeping and invoicing

Instead of piecing things together in an Excel sheet, make sure to use bookkeeping and invoicing software. Yes, Excel may be cheaper, but there's more room for error and it will often take much longer to setup and maintain than a good...

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