Tutorial: How To Personalise A LinkedIn Invite On Mobile

linkedin Feb 03, 2020

In my previous blog post, 3 Reasons Why LinkedIn Isn't Working For You - And How To Fix It, I shared the importance of always adding a personal message when inviting someone to connect with you on LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn doesn't quite make it easy for us to do so, especially on its mobile app. When you click Connect on someone's profile, it will send out an invitation without offering you the option to add a personal message - ugh!

Confession: when taking the screenshots for this tutorial I accidentally sent out an invitation to connect without adding a personal message. It's that simple to go wrong here... #oops

Here are the steps to take to take to make sure you can indeed add a personal message when sending out an invitation:

1. Open the LinkedIn Mobile app

2. Use the search bar to find the person you want to connect with

3. Make sure you're actually on the person's profile page

4. Do not click 'Connect'!!

5. Click 'More...' instead:

6. Click 'Personalize Invite'


7. Write your message (max 300 characters)
8. Click 'Send Invitation'

There you go! This is the way to do it!

Are you a service provider looking to use LinkedIn to get your calendar fully booked with awesome clients? Make sure to get onto the waitlist for my 'Booked Solid' course!


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