LinkedIn is testing Stories

linkedin Feb 28, 2020

LinkedIn's Head of Content Products, Pete Davies, has announced that LinkedIn is testing a Stories feature, similar to what Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook are offering, but then for the professional / business world.

He says: "Last year, we started asking ourselves what Stories might look like in a professional context. Stories first appeared on Snapchat, with other platforms like Instagram and Facebook adopting them soon after. They spread for a good reason: they offer a lightweight, fun way to share an update without it having to be perfect or attached to your profile forever."


"So, we’re currently testing LinkedIn Stories internally, and we can’t wait to test it with our members in the coming months. We’ve learned so much already about the unique possibilities of Stories in a professional context. For example, the sequencing of the Stories format is great for sharing key moments from work events, the full-screen narrative style makes it easy to share tips and tricks that help us work smarter, and the way Stories opens up new messaging threads makes it easier for someone to say, “and by the way… I noticed you know Linda, could you introduce me?”"

I personally think this could be a great way to indeed share more quick, on-the-go, lightweight tips with people! This could help build connections, build your know-like-trust factor and it could ultimately result in more clients for your business.

I'm excited to see this being developed, can't wait to test it once it's here for all of us!

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