Instantly Look More Professional on LinkedIn - Here's How

linkedin Feb 10, 2020

There's this ONE THING I always check first when I look at someone's LinkedIn Profile, and it immediately tells me if people know their way around LinkedIn or not.

It's someone's LinkedIn Profile URL

Did they personalise it? Or does it include a random bunch of numbers and letters, indicating they never changed it after they signed up with LinkedIn? 

If it looks like this... 

... it's not been personalised. You see my name in there, but also that random combination of numbers and a letter there at the end. 

What is should be:

Looks more professional right away, doesn't it?

Much nicer as well when you share it with others on social media, on a business card, in your email signature etc.!

How to check your own Profile URL

1. Login to your LinkedIn account
2. Click on your name on the left side of the screen
3. Look in the browser bar:

4. If you see something like the above: well done! :-) If not, read on to learn how to change your LinkedIn Profile URL.

How to change your public profile URL

5. On the right hand side, click on "Edit public profile & URL":

6. Click on the little pencil: 

7. Remove the part behind /in/ and type in your name.

8. Click Save.

All done, woohoo! :-)

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Your custom URL must contain 3-100 letters or numbers.
  • You can't use spaces, symbols, or special characters.
  • If your name has already been taken, here are some suggestions:
    • switch the position of your first and last name (in my case it would be 'verhagenwelmoed'
    • add a number to your name, eg welmoedverhagen3

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