How To Find Clients On LinkedIn

linkedin Mar 07, 2020

When I ask people why they're not using LinkedIn, they often tell me they feel LinkedIn is just for 'regular' people with 'regular' jobs.

Does LinkedIn even work for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and people who are self-employed?

It sure does - especially if you're selling B2B!

Today I'll share one method of finding people who need your services.*

Here's how to do it:

Let's say you're a copywriter.

1. Login to
2. In the Search area at the top left type in 'looking for a copywriter' (without the ' ')
3. You'll now see an overview of some regular copywriting jobs, but also lots of freelancer gigs!

Some examples I found after performing just that quick search:


And if you're a graphic designer, here are some results for you:

It's THAT simple to find people looking for your exact services!


 *Learn more strategies on getting clients on LinkedIn in my online course Booked Solid! It's a $37 course chockfull of strategies and tactics to get you clients!


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